www.cheyneart.co.nz | fine art Oil Paintings by COLETTE CHEYNE New Zealand wildlife artist | www.cheyne.co.nz | |||||||||||
Colette Cheyne's 2001 Serval painting (oil on linen 26 x 21") was chosen to receive the Best of Show Award in Wild Cat Art 2001,
an international event organised by Sierra Endangered Cat Haven (now known as Cat Haven Wild Animal Park), Dunlap, California.Whilst working on the painting, I went on-line to look up something or other on servals and came across the Cat Haven website.
They were calling for entries for their Wild Cat Art Exhibition and there was just enough time for my painting to be completed
and sent off to the US. Subsequently I received a call (in the middle of the night!) informing me that my painting had been judged
best in show - the juror was the late Simon Combes, an artist with a great passion for cats, and it was an honour to receive
such recognition after just a year or so of painting professionally.Serval 2001 was purchased for the Worrell Collection of Animal Art, Charlottesville, Virginia, another unexpected and great privilege.